Established to provide professional support to travelers to and from Ghana.

With over 15 years of experience working in Ghana’s travel, hospitality and travel logistics industry, Softlanding delivers efficient services to ensure that clients are able to travel to and work effectively  in Ghana, hustle - free. 

As Ghana is well known for its unique brand of hospitality Softlanding ensures that its customers  traveling to Ghana only  experience and enjoy the warm and fulfilling hospitality of the country and its people.

Softlanding also recognizes the importance of investors and tourists to Ghana’s development and sees the need to play a part in welcoming them warmly and giving them a “Softlanding” into Ghana.

Softlanding is well rooted in the warm and welcoming Ghanaian  hospitality culture and that is what we offer our cherished customers

. Softlanding Ghana LTD . Softlanding Ghana LTD

AKWAABA means welcome and for us the best arranged and facilitated Akwaaba is when it  contributes to the fruitful and sustained realization of our client’s vision and goal.

 Softlanding is here to ensure that when we enter a relationship with a client we take time to understand their vision and goal, work and structure.

 Our relationship with them focuses on facilitating the realization of the client’s travel related needs. 

. Akwaba at work . Akwaba at work